New Update! (Check it out!)
Every time we make a change to our site we like to add an update to let you all know what's happening, so be sure to check back here often to catch up on the latest Daylight Pets news.

Updates for Dec 30th, 2010:

Premium Gifts!

Even though Christmas Day has passed...

You can now give other people Premium Memberships!

Updates for Dec 23rd, 2010:

New Ration!

The Ration Machine has yet another festive item for you!

Updates for Dec 22nd, 2010:

Upcoming Projects: Zin

Hello again, everyone. Good news, I finally finished my first semester of college. To celebrate this occasion I will be updating some of the old images I did as the day drags on. This includes but is not limited to the following: Sphinks, Anubi(I recently updated this so slim chance), Pyrii, Theron, and miscellaneous stuff around the site. Keep an eye out for my updates.

Disease Plot - 6

What seemed like months had passed, the few remaining citizens of Harena were all on edge after Brandhardt's summoning of the sand demons. Though the Cruithneans seem to be dealing with them well and as of yet, they haven't caused a major problem. Though Brandhardt cannot get away with unleashing those creatures - he needed to be taken down. A view not just shared with the majority of Harena, but with the infected pets too. Despite the colder weather, their condition was improving, the boils were healing, sores stopped weeping and coughs were diminishing. Many of Keket's "minions" had asked time and time again when they were going to retaliate, she snarled and evaded the question, though it was clear she was waiting for her health to improve. Snaremane was not as fortunate, he was deteriorating, despite becoming a pacifist in Keket's recent campaign, he too, was angered by Brandhardt's actions.


A fistful of Cruithnean dust whistled across the arena of the Battle Center, three "sand demons" (as they'd been dubbed) surged maniacally towards a Cain, though not an ordinary Cain. White flames decorated its body and a bright light glowed from markings arranged on its body - it was Cassiopeia, Callie's pet. Though slender and fragile, the creature jumped into the air, metres above the sand demons, wisps of white fire being left in her trail. The sand demons ceased charging and watched the Cain above, anticipating its return to the ground. Cassiopeia eased down, now behind, the sand demons and turned briskly, sending a pulse of white heat towards the creatures - which abruptly caused two of them to fall. The other avoided it by burrowing beneath the cold, grey rock that lined the arena. The Cain paused, waited, eyes glowing - as brightly as moons, smoke danced around the pet's figure and disappeared into the sky.

Moments passed, the ground seemed to have settled, Callie called out to her pet, requesting for her to come back... though Cassiopeia was wise, she stood her ground, whipping her tail rythmically in circles, generating thin rings of smoke. Suddenly, the Cain turned and paced towards Callie, her paws barely touching the ground between bounds. Callie breathed a sigh of relief... though Cassiopeia continued running and skidded around behind Callie and starting circling her. She was trapping her in a tunnel of ivory flames. Callie screamed, shaking at the terror of her beloved Cain betraying her. Though all was to become clear in the next few moments...

Referral Contest Winners!

First place goes to katinthehat with 70 referrals! They won 50000 dPs!
Second place goes to paragon with 69 referrals! They won 25000 dPs!
Third place goes to renata with 67 referrals! They won 12500 dPs!

Though congratulations to remi, jane and anubis for all achieving more than 30 referrals!

Updates for Dec 21st, 2010:

Just in time for Christmas!

I've been toiling away at the code for a couple of hours... and now, you can wrap and send gifts to each other!

Simple follow this link (here!) or use the new one found in the dropdown menu.

The giftboxes can be bought from the new Gift Shop which will be stocking even more merchandise soon!

The Ration Machine is giving away a free, limited edition giftbox for you to wrap a present in!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Festive Coracii

Let's hope you kept hold of your Festive Ribbons... as the Coracii is now able to wear one!

We thank our new artist fanfare for this awesome addition.

4 and a bit days to go everyone!

Updates for Dec 19th, 2010:

Hidden Avatars!

Yep, that's right, I've started to hide some avatars. Right now there's a few hidden around the site, they should all be hidden by the end of this week! Think of it as an Easter Egg hunt, but for Christmas time...

Another Festive Ration

The Ration Machine is giving away another festive gift!

Grab one today!

Updates for Dec 18th, 2010:

New Layout!

Hey guys!

Dont' worry, we haven't abandoned you, I've been quietly working away at a new layout that is hopefully better in every way!

Any problems please raise them in the forums!

Day of the Dead versions of this layout will become available soon.

Updates for Dec 11th, 2010:

New Ration

The Ration Machine has gone all festive and is giving away Festive Ribbons!

Grab one now!

Older Updates:

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