New Update! (Check it out!)
Every time we make a change to our site we like to add an update to let you all know what's happening, so be sure to check back here often to catch up on the latest Daylight Pets news.

Updates for Feb 19th, 2011:

The Time has Come...

*Triumphant Music*
The Edit Post Button has FINALLY arrived.

Now you can make loads of mistakes and not look like an idiot.

Disease Plot 8

Introducing Pathogen...

The soft padding of paws against the rough ground could be heard, echoing through silence. A creature that may once have been a felidae now walked along, her paws bound with filthy, ragged bandages.

Her skin was barren, devoid of any fur, and on her left arm was a jet black tattoo. Upon closer inspection, one would see that it was a symbol marking quarantine, and it rippled with her muscles each step she took. Her body was covered in boils and lumps, all of them various colors of a sickly degree. But perhaps the most disturbing part about this creature was the deep red blood that dripped from her ears and eyes, forming a crimson trail on the ground.

She soon ceased her walking to look ahead of her. Up on the grassy hill was a towering castle that loomed overhead, casting ominous shadows in the light of the pale moon. She growled as she saw it, a low growl that echoed about her, sending menacing sound off into the gentle wind. Her eyes narrowed in anger, and without warning, she set of running towards the place, her paws carrying her as fast as they could. She reached the doors and leaped for them, slamming into them with her entire body weight, which couldn’t have been much. The doors creaked and moaned like some great beast, then fell down before her, now a pile of splintered wood. She smirked and went through the new entrance, licking the blood off her face with a sickeningly dark tongue. She would find Agorr, and when she did, she would kill him.

Updates for Feb 15th, 2011:

Voting... Kinda (repost)

I would like every non-staff member to post in This thread with a simple "yes" or "no" for the Sphinks redraw.

Voting.... kinda

I would like every non-staff member to post in < a href="">This thread with a simple "yes" or "no" for the Sphinks redraw.

Updates for Feb 9th, 2011:

New Opponent

Here's a bug you most definitely do not want on your windscreen. It will take more than a rolled up newspaper to kill it, make sure you do, as they swarm around Valentine's Day and we don't want an infestation!

Updated Layout :O

Hey Guys, here is a new version of the Day of the Dead layout, as promised. Discuss what you think about it.... here!

Just tossing this out there

The staff were discussing some stuff, and we all figured that it would be nice to give you all a rundown of who's working on what.
Pet Artists
We now have specific species that have been assigned to specific artists to make the work load even out some. And to keep people from stepping on eachothers' toes. Below is a list of who has what:
Artist in training
Once trained:





I am currently trying to get back to the level I was at before I screwed up my hand, so be patient. Updates on the following will come slower than the others (probably)

Older images will over time be replaced with new ones. If you like how your pet looks now, save an image of it. If you have complaints, send them to Zin, who would be completely okay with explaining anything that needs explaining.
If anything else pops up you can expect another update. Thank you.

Updates for Feb 3rd, 2011:

Battle Center's Back!

Breaking News!

The Battle Center is back! There have been some slight modifications as to how battles actually take place now for example:
- You can use an item and an attack (which now work) during the same round.
- The damage you inflict is more evenly distributed regarding levels etc. and should help make it more challenging for veterans, and easier for noobs. :D
- There's a spiffing new healthbar which represents your pet's or enemy's health.
- There will be more attacks coming into play, specific to certain species.
- It looks a bit nicer.


fanfare has revamped our Desert Stall owner, (his name is still in review)


Yang has completed two amazing revamps for the blazing Dokidoki and Albie!

Updates for Jan 29th, 2011:

Premium Offer

Right now, if you buy a 1 Month Premium Membership, you get another month, free!

Simply order one as normal by going to this page here!

This offer ends on the 3rd February 2011!

Updates for Jan 24th, 2011:

Mysterious Vials o.o

It seems that the mysterious vials have mysteriously vanished from the shop in Harena. The Mysterious Vial has been retired and will no longer be available in the main shops.

Older Updates:

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