New Update! (Check it out!)
Every time we make a change to our site we like to add an update to let you all know what's happening, so be sure to check back here often to catch up on the latest Daylight Pets news.

Updates for Sep 23rd, 2011:


Look at this glorious food product! Does it not make your mouth water? Do you not hunger for more?!
Because I certainly am hungry after looking at this Taco - thank you Hyacinth for providing this scrumptious item!

Updates for Sep 22nd, 2011:

Furballs, ahoy!

Aiee everywhere are leaping for joy with their brand spanking new look! Don't they look mighty fine, now?
Sora is the one who brought all this precious little fluff balls their nifty new look!

They're now available in Slick and Darklight, too!

Updates for Sep 21st, 2011:

Watch out!

Ailuro can now wear the Blazing Ribbon and seem to be quite spunky now! Hopefully they'll only give you a few good whacks with their trusty bamboo and not actually set anything on fire. Hopefully.

The ever-wonderful Eridan has brought us this fiery Ailuro to love and own!

All my Vasukis...

...seem to have changed!

They seem to have reverted back to a form closer to their original one! What exactly prompted such a rapid shift in form, who rightly knows, however the Slick variants have changed as well. In light of this change, Vasuki can now also be colored Darklight!

It seems Lucifer had a part to play in this change!

Updates for Sep 20th, 2011:


Oh man, check out these new digs - some sweet, new avatars to trick out your forum going experience, all thanks to our main man, Alu!

Updates for Sep 19th, 2011:

Out of the frying pan...

...and into the fire! Be sure to be extra careful around the Blazing Anubi as it seems to be quite mischievous and rather enjoys shedding little embers around slightly flammable objects.
Thanks to Lucifer, all Anubi owners run a much higher risk of their pant legs catching on fire.

Out of the frying pan...

...and into the fire! Be sure to be extra careful around the Blazing Anubi as it seems to be quite mischievous and rather enjoys shedding little embers around slightly flammable objects.
Thanks to Lucifer, all Anubi owners run a much higher risk of their pant legs catching on fire.

Updates for Sep 18th, 2011:


In addition to those scrumptious treats, the Aromasaur has gotten a bit of an update as well!. Hyacinth has given this little the nicest touch-up!


Thanks to the lovely Enki, you and your pets have a wonderful new snack to eat! There are many differently glazed Cinnamon Rolls out there, now - eat up!

Updates for Sep 17th, 2011:

Account Saving Update


I have updated the save account page. If you have a side account you can list the account there and it will be saved when we transfer to the new site.

Note: This is just so when we are ready to swap out, it'll be easier to save accounts and information. You can find the page Here

Older Updates:

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