New Update! (Check it out!)
Every time we make a change to our site we like to add an update to let you all know what's happening, so be sure to check back here often to catch up on the latest Daylight Pets news.

Updates for Oct 30th, 2011:


The new Day of the Dead Helix is quite the beast to behold! Uh, where did it get those skulls, though? Supposedly Lucifer knows...

Updates for Oct 29th, 2011:

Spooky Reading Time!

Were you wishing for some holiday reading material for your pet?

Wish no longer as we now have two brandspankin' new books thanks to Enki! She is our go to person for books of all kinds!

Updates for Oct 28th, 2011:


Need a little supernatural guidance in your life?

With a trusty Magic 8 Ball at your side, all the answers to life's complexities are available with just a single shake? Come now, don't be shy! But, please be wary...

It seems Lucifer was mucking around with some eerie spells and one of those little toys... and made a decisively more creepy Magic 8 Ball... I would be cautious with it and not let your pets near it; it seems to have a mind of its own beyond the harmless fun of a regular one...

Updates for Oct 27th, 2011:

Express yourself!

Or perhaps just the creepier side of yourself during this season!

Eridan and Lucifer worked their own hoodoo and brought us all this trendy and flashy new avatar!

Updates for Oct 26th, 2011:

Time to have a Fiesta!

Through some testing of her own, Cypher has discovered that the Albie are affected by the Day of the Dead Ribbon! At this rate, she'll be a Doctor NG in her own right...

Updates for Oct 25th, 2011:

Get Your Read On!

Ever concerned about education, Enki has brought us three more books to read!

Now go find a nice beanbag to seat yourself on and read all those books!

Updates for Oct 24th, 2011:


The Spike are barking mad with excitement over their dandy new look! Lucifer worked his magic on the Spike population and gave them a bit of a touch up. He also made sure to make them available in the three basic colors: Slick, Darklight and Prismlight! Boy that Prismlight is sure flashy!

Updates for Oct 23rd, 2011:

Looking for...

...more ways to celebrate the Day of the Dead festivities?

Try some cake! Apparently quite keen on cooking, Lucifer whipped up an entire cake for you to enjoy! But if that's too much,

You can take just a slice as well.

Updates for Oct 22nd, 2011:


While it's one of the more new pets, even the Lugarou can now be affected by the Day of the Dead ribbon!

It looks as though it's waiting for someone - maybe it's waiting for you to take it home?

Lucifer is the one who brought us this forlorn yet colorful new Lugarou.

Updates for Oct 21st, 2011:


Feeling a little lonely during this orange and black holiday season? Well, feel that way no more!

Thanks to Hyacinth for bringing us this new beanie to love!

Older Updates:

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