While we know some of our users make good use of two accounts, we have come to a decision that all users, staff as well, may only have a singular (1) account. We know how much this will effect some of you, so in an attempt to mollify the situation, we're increasing the amount of pets for accounts to ten pets (10) per account. Users who had a second account will be allowed to transfer up to two (2)pets to their primary, and now single, account. Users will be allowed to transfer any items, DP, and XP from their side account to their primary account. To repeat, users will only be allowed to have ten (10) pet slots total on their primary account. We are allowing users a two week (2) grace period to get their accounts in order and to inform Lanvender or Lucifer of their main account, their side account, and which account they are keeping as well as which pets they would like transferred.
Unfortunately, those who do not respond to this notice will end up losing their side account and we can make no guarantees that they will be able to retrieve pets/items/DP/XP from their lost account. Similarly, once an account is suspended, it will not be re-opened - so please choose carefully and wisely when it comes to deciding on which pets to keep. Users are not allowed to create a second account from this point forward, the 2nd of April; any side accounts created on this date and after will be suspended and dealt an appropriate warning.
We offer a sincere apology to those users who this change in site policy affects and hope that it does not put a damper on your Daylight Pets experience. Please PM any questions, concerns, or suggestions to Lucifer. Thank you,
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