Whoa! Watch their breath!
It looks like Hyacinth is at it again! This time is a little different though...
Though she is quite an adventurer (she has discovered many strange things on Cruithne), Hyacinth never really had the chance to take a look at the more difficult to reach places on the asteroid, until today. Her travels took her to the scorching area known as Heartache Rift, with assistance from Professor Ng, of course. Ng wanted to gain samples of the lava found at the bottom of the rift. After arriving in their protective suits, Hyacinth and Professor Ng started their descent. Though the journey took an unexpected turn when Hyacinth heard a strange noise behind her, a noise she recognized as flapping wings. Ng turned around quick enough to realize just what they were dealing with, and tackled the confused artist down to the ground just before the being let out a shrilling scream.
"What is that?" Hyacinth asked, pointing at the obviously angered, red creature.
The professor's eyes shined as she let out a snarl, and with that her reply: "Dragons."
Suddenly, what seemed to be only one dragon multiplied to dozens, no, hundreds. The sky grew crimson with the flying reptiles. "Hyacinth..." Ng turned to face the awestruck adventurer who was still staring at the mass of flapping wings. Ng continued. "We have to go. NOW." Professor Ng abruptly stood up, taking Hyacinth up with her. "Run!"
One foot after another, the adventurous duo sped to the top of the rift, a crimson, fire-breathing cloud kept on their heels. Finally, they reached the top, but the chase continued. "If we could gain a lead, we could seek shelter behind one of the boulders," Ng said, losing breath from running such a distance. Fortunately, there was enough distance between the disrupted mob of crimson dragons and the terrified two for them to dive behind one of the large rocks found only near Heartache Rift. They had lost the dragons.
"My, goodness!" Ng exclaimed, with her hands on her head, gasping for air. "I almost thought those territorial demons would follow us back to Settlement One!"
The silence was short-lived, as a similar flapping noise sounded from within a bush a few feet away. This one was different, though. A cool breeze had settled in, which was odd for the peak of the Torch season.
Ng sighed as she patted Hyacinth's back, who was still trying to gain her breath. "We might as well start running again, friend. We have another territorial visitor." She points to the bush, and as if on queue, a beautiful, blue dragon hopped out of the plant. Like the previous one, this one had an odd glow to it. Now, Hyacinth realized, the whole forest was glowing blue.
"But what are these things doing so close to Settlement One, I wonder." The professor turned to Hyacinth with an eerie grin. She had a plan.
In no time, Hyacinth and Professor Ng were in pursuit yet again. This time, however, they were being chased not only by the blue dragons, but the red ones had caught up with them, as well. What these things had against them, Ng had no idea. In no time, they were back at Settlement One. The dragons were no where to be found.
"What these are are Ember and Frost Dragons. They've lived on Cruithne since before I arrived. I admit, I did not realize just how territorial they were until... well, you know. I believe they seen the different settlers here and dispersed, realizing they were way out of their boundaries. I think it's a good thing they did go back, too. Alone, anyone can take on one of those dragons, but in numbers they are nearly unconquerable." She paused enough to look down at her tail. "Really? Those darned Ember Dragons singed some of my fur! First the candle wax, now this! What can happen next? ...Do I even want to ask that question?"
You're in luck! It seems like a few of those Ember Dragons and Frost Dragons are still roaming about the forest around Settlement One! Io managed to catch a few if you want to own one for yourself! Just head on over to the Luna Adoption Agency to get one now!
